Friday, April 26, 2013


Author's Note: Yeah, things are just awkward.

People that used to be such great friends

Turned into people you just see in the hall

You don't say hi to each other anymore

It's sad in a way

But not totally...

Because they did something to get themselves that position anyways

Don't be sorry that they are gone

They should be sorry

Crushed Me.

Author's Note: This is how I feel towards certain people right now. "We can have a problem, we just need to figure out if it is worth fighting for."


You have to hurt those

Who hurt you

To let them know how it feels.

That feeling of being crushed by someone

Who you thought 

Would never.


Leave your side.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finding A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

Author's Note: In this piece, I wrote a similarities and differences essay that would compare the short story, "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," with the short film with the same title.

Nothing can be exactly replicated; it's impossible. No toy, painting, or dance move is interpreted in the same way and simply cannot be duplicated the exact way it was thought of. Similarly, the short story, "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," and the short movie with the same title, are just the same way; you cannot make it exactly the same, and that is where I am finding the difference and similarities.

When you are watching a movie, you don't pay any attention to the camera angle unless it is a horror movie and you are waiting for something to be hiding behind the camera, or something like that. With this short film, I really noticed that the camera angle was dead-on pointing at the people that were being displayed in the scene. That is not how I envisioned it as I read the story. I don't know if that was possibly supposed to be like that, but it was just one thing that I would've considered changing to give the scenes more character and texture.

One thing that I thought they displayed very well, was how the characters had gruff in their voices and you could tell that they were angry by the way that they carried themselves. Clomping feet, lagging voice, and sitting in a hunched position compared to sitting up-right, looking at the old man, and tears slowly falling down his cheek. You could just really tell that they were feeling two totally different emotions, and that really stood out to me. You can also tell that they put lots of emotion into it as well.

"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," the movie and the short story, had things in them that I would've thought of different and carefully picked out, and a something that they did really well, too. Though things cannot be perfectly replicated, I thought that the short story to the movie did a pretty good job making it very close to what the story was written by Ernest Hemingway. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

You're Obviously Not Cinderella

Author's Note: This piece has two parts, and it is just describing how things can be different and how life isn't a fairy tale. 

Ever lasting love...

As precious and adorable

Like Cinderella

That's how she thought it would be

A fairy tale

Something you can't mess up

But maybe her glass slipper was never destined to fall off

Because her prince didn't want to find her again

Bippity Boppity Boo

He's gone


It starts as a carriage, rather

Not a pumpkin

Because as you see

The story is backwards

The opposite of a "happily ever after"

Nothing went well for our Cinderella

Nothing at all

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fabian and Christopher

Author's Note: I wrote this piece because we have just recently finished The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and we had to write a piece on it, so this is what I did. I was supposed to write it about text analysis and it sort of is, but I already finished that goal so my piece is a little different. 

For Christopher, everything has its way, and everything has a pattern. His day stays mostly the same constantly. Without a standard schedule that he lays out for himself, he feels off and it just isn't right. He has to teach himself subjects because it is confusing otherwise. For Fabian, nothing has a pattern that anyone can see, just him. His day is always changing. With a standard schedule, he feels calm. Fabian needs to be taught all the subjects, because it is too difficult to concentrate otherwise. Fabian, in my mom's fourth grade class, and Christopher, from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, are similar and different in a couple of ways. 

Everything has to be perfectly perfect and nothing can be off...Not. This is how Fabian and Christopher are different. Fabian doesn't always have an organized schedule, however this causes him to have break downs. He needs to be helped by somebody else to make it, too. Christopher has his own mental schedule, and he does what he likes to do, when he feels it is necessary. Another way that they are different is that they Christopher is much brighter than Fabian. Because Fabian comes from a family that speaks Spanish all the time, he had to adjust to English at school and that really confuses him with learning and it makes it more difficult. 

In case you haven't been able to tell, because I haven't made it a statement yet, Fabian is autistic. This is the main way that him and Christopher are similar. They both shared the same difficulties when they were young and they went on their own path from there and that is how I believe that they are similar, mainly. Another way that they are similar, is that their parents are split up or divorced. This has made it more difficult on both of them because they either don't know their other parent is alive, or they have to go between households.

Christopher and Fabian, two people with the same disease, autism, are different and similar in a couple of ways. This just goes on to show that just because some people around the same age level are diagnosed with the same disease, nothing is perfectly similar or precisely different in either of them. They are their own person and they function just how they want to and need to, and that is what is important. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What A Cheat.

Author's Note: I tried to use a wide vocabulary throughout this piece. 

Her blood churned inside her

Like a volcano ready to burst

White steam blowing out both ears

Her face, now a vivid red

Guess he didn't realize that what he did
       Was so horrible

He would regret ever breaking her like this

They're done

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Story of An Hour

Author's Note: In this essay, I had to describe three symbols that have really pulled this story together. I thought that it was somewhat of a challenge to choose the correct symbols because there were so many.

In an instant, what seems like everything you have, gets taken away. Your husband dies and nobody wants to break it to you. Your sadness inside is unbearable; people are the enemy. You think it would just be better if you were dead. Would it? This is how the main character, Mrs. Mallard's life goes about. The reason that this story has meaning, and it makes sense, is because there are symbols that pull it together. The three symbols I found were an arm chair, spring weather outside, and the stair case.

When you're sad, you want something to comfort you. In this story, I think that the armchair is a symbol, because when she is sad it accepts her. Because she no longer has her husband to comfort her, she needs something to turn to where she can feel better. "There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul." The chair stands as a cocoon to protect her.

Everyone has different things that make their lives positive just by taking a look at something. Whether it is seeing a child giggle, or looking outside to see the weather changing. In this case, Mrs. Mallard looked outside. "The tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air." She sensed that it was a new life for her. The new life outside signified to her that there was a possibility for change in her life. Just because one bad thing had happened, didn't mean that everything had to come tumbling down with it. 

Figuratively speaking, I think the stairs are a symbol, because though it was a difficult 'barrier' to cross, they did it, together. "She clasped her sister's waist, and together they descended the stairs." It is almost as if it is an emotional barrier as well as a mental one, too. It is showing that they are stepping over the past and everything will be somewhat normal when they decide to forget it was ever there. 
An arm chair, spring weather, and a stair case made up the basis of a story, and did it in a very precise, detailed way. Certain objects, when used in the correct sense, can make up and mean a whirlwind of things. They all stand for something important in the story, but specific objects can be more difficult to pick out knowing that it actually indicates that something is a big key element to the story itself. 

Monday, April 8, 2013


Author's Note: This piece was inspired by a picture that I saw on Facebook. It said, "For all those who have ever tried to self-harm or anything close, write a ; on your wrist, because though you didn't want to continue on, you life acted as a sentence, continue it." 

Don't pick up the weapon

Look away

You don't want this

Not this badly

You are wonderful

A glorious human being

You think that nobody would miss you

Everyone would miss you

You are loved

Think of your life

As a semi-colon

You shouldn't end

Because the story of you

Must go on