Thinking about our country and how it started is honestly boring to me. Our teacher asked us, if you could go back in time and talk to America's founding fathers, what would you say? Trying to answer this question boggled my mind a little bit because to start, I didn't even know who the founding fathers were. I also barely knew what the constitution was. Nobody ever bothered to teach us about the true meaning behind any of those things. After I looked into some information on the topic myself, I started thinking about things that they never actually added in the constitution that over the years, that created major problems in our country that would have made our country a better place if they were illegal in the first place. In the constitution, they missed talking about women's rights, slavery, and the environment and that created strong effects.
One of the biggest things that was never mentioned in the constitution was Women's Rights. Everyone now knows that women have the exact same rights as men. However, that isn't how it used to be. Women were not given the right to vote up until 1920 due to the power of the 19th amendment. Another thing is that women didn't receive equal pay compared to men. Usually women were used for other things other than actually making a living like they do nowadays. Lastly of the many other things that created problems for women, was marriage by force. They didn't get to choose who they married; it was usually their parents who chose or the person who wanted to marry them. Even though women's rights were a large problem in our nation's early years, slavery was an even greater aspect of trouble in our country.
Slavery should have been abolished way before it was even started. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was the only president to think about abolishing slavery; he was actually successful. It is not right to judge someone by their skin color; they didn't choose what they look like. Just because someone was black, doesn't mean that they deserved to be sold to anyone to work in a field all day. It should not have ever crossed anybody's mind to have slaves. We are all the same people, we just have different, unique characteristics that make each one of us who we are. Really, slavery should not have ever made and impact on our nation or anyone's nation at all.
A problem in any country, especially the U.S.A., is that there is pollution everywhere. You may not even notice it, but it is in the air that you breathe. Pollution is anything from exhaust being let out of a car, to plastic bags being thrown in a landfill. Occasionally as you are driving on the road, you may look out your window and just see garbage scattered along the side of the road. The cause of that is because people don't want to keep gross trash in their cars, so they dispose of it out the window. In the constitution, they never had any laws about the environment. The earth is not a dumpster; people do sadly treat it like one.
Slavery, women's rights, and the environment are three huge components they missed in the creation of the constitution that not being there, impacted our nation in many ways. There being many problems our country faced through the years, these were some of the ones I found that created the most predominant effects. Throughout the years as we became a stronger, more bonded country, we worked together to solve those problems. Now, we all work to keep it that way.