Thursday, October 20, 2011

Proud to be an American

Author's Note:  When I was thinking about what to write for my essay, I was thinking about soldiers and what they do for our country. That was my inspiration for this piece.

When you see a soldier come home to their family, what do you feel?  Maybe you hope that they weren’t a person who had to fight. Maybe you feel proud that you are an American and that you can live in a free country. But you feel in the bottom of your heart, pride and bravery within that person. Just knowing what things they have possibly seen and gone through. People in America see more value in their soldiers than in any other country in the world. 
Each year we celebrate veterans and what they did for our country with Veteran’s Day. We also have Memorial Day to celebrate the soldiers that have passed on making our country a safer place. Sometimes while you are sitting in a classroom or you are at work you’re not thinking about what the soldiers on the other half of the world are doing. They are fighting so you can work where you want, go see a movie if you want, or even go to a restaurant. Some countries have limited times that you can do those things because they are not a free country. Luckily, the United States is not like that.
We always celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks and sparklers but does anybody really think about what that means. Probably not. It means independence, how we are independent people, we make our OWN decisions and we have our OWN actions. Being human, we don’t always do what others expect us to do because it is another piece of freedom. Americans have the right to choose what we want to do and that makes us independent, and our soldiers make that possible.
Our country sees more value in their soldiers, than in any other country in the world. Every day there is somebody fighting for us and protecting our country and we appreciate them for that. No family member wants that knock on the door saying that their loved one isn't coming home and we have to help others through that.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Unexpected Day

Author's Note: When I was writing this paper, I was thinking about how 9/11 had just come around and I thought that I should write something along these lines because it was an important, tragic, day.

People sprint out the doors of the World Trade Center in a panic. Not knowing what to do, they just kept running. Nobody had a clue what was going on. They didn’t know what happened and they didn’t know why.  People crying and running into buildings that were miles away so they could save themselves. Everyone’s brains were only thinking about one thing. Why did this happen? And for a while, nobody had an answer. September 11, 2001 was one of the most tragic days in United States History.                                                     

Imagine how many people died instantly, right as the planes hit the buildings. All the American passengers that were aboard those planes had no idea that they were being used in war against their country; innocent people who died for no reason. Firefighters and EMTs tried to save as many people as they could from the collapsing towers. Most of the people that died were above and in the burning area of the towers. While the people up above were waiting for the building to fall, their family members, friends, and colleagues were watching from below just couldn’t bear the horror, pain, and suffering.            

Sadly, people frantic people milled around watching from the ground, calling their family and friends, to see if they were still alive waiting for something miraculous to happen, but it just didn't come. The horror only got worse. Some people were talking on the phone when the buildings went down and they heard dead silence on the other end. As people watched on T.V, they couldn’t believe their eyes. Envision the pain that people were feeling. On the other hand, you have to think of all the brave people who went in rather that just running out. One person saved 12 people rather than just saving himself. When an event as horrid as this occurs, that really makes people stick up for others that they possibly never new.
One of the most tragic days in the United States History was September 11, 2001. There will always be somebody that wants revenge or for something bad to happen to another place or person. That is why people need to help one another and stay together. Next time there is a danger somewhere, anywhere, no matter if it little or large, stick together and don’t give up.